Suspicions of Infidelity

Two years later, the seemingly perfect marriage crumbled like a toy destroyed by a mischievous child. In early 2013, while publicly professing his love for Wendi Deng, Murdoch secretly filed for divorce behind her back. Murdoch himself revealed that the reason for the divorce was his inability to tolerate Wendi Deng’s alleged affair with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. In the media world, it’s often said that those who control the narrative hold the power, and Murdoch was undoubtedly the most powerful uncrowned king in the UK. His ties with the political world were exceptionally strong, especially with Blair, a long-time friend. Many believed Blair’s rise to Prime Minister was largely due to Murdoch’s behind-the-scenes support. Years of collaboration brought Blair very close to Murdoch’s family, to the point where Blair became the godfather of Wendi Deng’s eldest daughter, making their relationship quite special.

Blair was 15 years older than Wendi Deng, standing over six feet tall, gentlemanly, and refined, embodying the ideal dream man with his former Prime Minister aura. Wendi admired him greatly, and their frequent interactions led Murdoch’s ex-wife, children, and household staff to suspect an affair. Murdoch, increasingly troubled by the rumors, called in staff to investigate, hacked into Wendi Deng’s email, and even read her diary. The findings left Murdoch disheartened. Wendi not only communicated frequently with Blair but also wrote in her diary: “Blair has long legs and a nice butt. I love his blue eyes and his charisma on stage.” Seeing this, Murdoch could only lament that life was unbearable.

Did those two really have an affair?


The Dissolution of Marriage

Ah, what a mess that was, impossible to fully untangle. The story of Wendi Deng’s alleged emotional affair is simply too intriguing to ignore. After all, at that time, Rupert Murdoch was already 82, his face marked by wrinkles, and the admiration and charm he once commanded had mostly faded over their 14 years of marriage. Meanwhile, Wendi, at 44, was in her prime, full of fiery passion. It’s reminiscent of how Wolfe cuckolded old Jack; indeed, the suave former Prime Minister was undeniably more attractive.

Moreover, over the years, Wendi had grown increasingly assertive. She had always been a “leading lady” type, perhaps emboldened by Murdoch’s doting affection or hardened by the cold jibes of high society. Her domineering nature gradually became unsettling, frequently erupting into shouting matches with household staff and showing growing disrespect towards Murdoch, often berating him in public. There was even a shocking incident where she pushed the 80-year-old Murdoch to the ground.

Murdoch, enduring as much as he could, found his wife’s behavior growing intolerable as she set her sights on younger, more appealing men. The continual humiliation and disdain finally drove Murdoch to fury, leading him to resolutely decide on a divorce. Wendi, on the other hand, was no pushover. Despite feigning shock and innocence, she displayed none of the stereotypical melodrama. The divorce terms were settled in just five months, and the paperwork was signed in a ten-minute court session. As she left the courtroom, she even gave Murdoch a cheek kiss in farewell. Though his grim face made the headlines, it also highlighted the composure and pragmatism of a savvy woman.

As for that “heartthrob,” Tony Blair, he steadfastly denied any romantic involvement with Wendi from start to finish, and the two have since kept a safe distance from each other.


Single and Gossip

The media unearthed another piece of gossip about Wendi Deng, this time involving former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Compared to Blair, Eric clearly wasn’t as well-liked. In her diary, she wrote bluntly: “Eric’s girlfriend Lisa will never measure up to me, lacking any grace and elegance. I’ve achieved my goal, showing Eric how dreamy, young, cool, fashionable, and fun I am, while he could never have me. I never felt sad about losing him; after all, he’s ugly, uncharismatic, and very fat, completely devoid of style—nothing he wears helps. Thankfully, I didn’t end up with him.”

Whether Eric dumped her or ignored her advances, anyone who read this news would likely have mixed feelings.

The media were ruthless in covering Wendi Deng’s divorce, treating it like a reality show. Spectators mocked her as a failed mistress who couldn’t secure her position. However, Wendi Deng is undoubtedly a formidable woman. Post-divorce, she continued to live vibrantly, with millions in assets at her disposal. She remained active in elite circles, engaging in investments and the arts, showcasing her inner strength!

Three years after the divorce, Murdoch suddenly announced he was marrying a former supermodel, even declaring himself “the luckiest, happiest man in the world.” Hear that, Wendi? Without you, I’m blissfully happy! In retaliation, Wendi brought a young violinist, Charlie Siem, to make a sweet appearance at the Paris Fashion Show. Charlie, 17 years her junior, handsome and wealthy, earned Wendi plenty of face: Look, I’m still shining without you!


However, Charlie was just a passing fancy. The real leading man was the Hungarian heartthrob Bertold Zahoran. Wendi Deng’s high-profile romance with this model, 27 years her junior, saw them captured in numerous intimate photos, creating a media frenzy with their sweet displays of affection. Though their relationship didn’t end in marriage, this love affair lasted two years, during which Wendi remained active in elite circles, continuing her fascinating life.
In 2019, Bertold announced a new relationship, once again showcasing his affection on social media. The happy photos were paired with sweet declarations, and this time, his partner was a woman of his own age. Wendi chose to remain silent, allowing the relationship to naturally come to an end. The two went their separate ways.

However, Wendi later found herself at the center of rumors involving Russian President Vladimir Putin. The story sounded fabricated, allegedly sparked by Wendi taking her daughters and a friend on a yachting trip, where her friend’s yacht had some connection to Putin. This led American gossip magazines to concoct a story about Wendi and Putin dating since her divorce, with the rumor even circulating two years prior. The story was picked up by media outlets such as The Mirror, The Daily Mail, and Vanity Fair, and even the serious geopolitical magazine Foreign Policy joined in on the gossip.


Looking Back

In her 20s, Wendi Deng achieved her dream of going abroad by marrying Jack. Then came Wolfe, marking her ascent through the ranks of typical American youth, as she attended Yale for an MBA. Next was the media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Wendi’s meteoric rise left everyone astonished.

Murdoch’s decision to marry Wendi likely stemmed from more than just the waning affection with his second wife (one focused on career, the other on retirement). There were also practical considerations: opening the Chinese market and expanding his business empire. Marrying Wendi not only drew the attention of the Chinese public and allowed him to control the company’s direction, but it also helped him to avoid a power struggle with his son over the company’s management. By marrying Wendi and having two children through IVF, Murdoch disrupted the inheritance dynamics, forcing everyone to realign their allegiances to maximize his own benefits. However, once Murdoch realized Wendi wasn’t a reliable and easygoing wife, he abandoned her. Compared to the $1.7 billion his second wife received in their divorce, Wendi, who had signed a prenuptial agreement, walked away with just a few tens of millions, showing that the cunning woman couldn’t outplay the old fox. Yet, given her starting point, it was still a personal victory for Wendi.

Wendi Deng’s moral standing has always been controversial. On one hand, she is seen as an intelligent and strategic woman, adeptly managing her career and personal life. Her journey from an ordinary Chinese woman to a globally recognized figure demonstrates extraordinary determination and talent. On the other hand, some of her actions have drawn significant criticism. Her marriage to and divorce from Murdoch sparked many speculations, with some believing her motives were more about personal gain. Additionally, her rumored affairs with other prominent figures have led people to question her morals and personal character. Overall, Wendi Deng is a complex individual, and opinions on her morality vary. Some admire her wisdom and courage, while others question her motives and methods.


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