dynamic wallpapers: sunlight filters through the low trees in the morning mist

. . . . 成长就像攀登一座看不到顶峰的山,但每一步都让你更接近云端。Growth is like climbing a mountain with no visible peak, but every step brings you closer to the clouds. 在每次跌倒中,我们学会站得更稳,成长从不惧怕失败。With every fall, we learn to stand stronger; growth never fears failure. 成长的旅程中,重要的不是速度,而是你是否一直在前进。On the journey of growth, it’s not about the speed but whether you keep moving Read more…

Dynamic wallpaper: landscape and night sky

Image resource for the e-book The Guest Room. Images: . . . . . . 人生没有GPS,弯路也是风景。Life doesn’t come with GPS; detours are part of the scenery. 今天的我,是昨天的升级版。Today’s me is an upgraded version of yesterday. 失败是成功的好朋友,我们常见面。Failure is success’s best buddy—we hang out a lot.